The Great Slavery Debate

Should slavery be abolished? Students at Constitution High School debate the advantages and disadvantages of abolishing slavery from an antebellum 19th century perspective. Having students focus on the social, economic, cultural, and to some extent political nature of this debate, helps students understand the context of America's "peculiar institution", roadblocks African Americans needed to overcome in order to abolish slavery, as well as frame the upcoming 10th grade American history course. The purpose of this blog is to create a forum in which students can self-reflect and continue the process of peer-to-peer evaluation as they debate in class.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wells vs. Brasof

Wells graciously allowed me to debate her due to the fact that we had extra time in class.  She handled the scientific racism argument beautifully and even attacked using that darn cotton gin!  That invention will be the end of me in these debates.  (although, if you look it up you will find that the cotton gin actually extended slavery, not help end it).  Sometimes having the last word is a very powerful position in these debates.  Congratulations to Wells for putting up a great fight.  I had to really think on my feet in order to keep up.



  1. This debate was fun to watch to see two differnt people with different knowledges. It was awesome how Wells never let Brasof off with none of his arguments or comments that he made. Brasof didn't take it easy on Wells either,he tried to confuse her by his questions but Wells had a different plan she came back with the cotton gin and he choked.

  2. LOL Brasof, I thought you would learn from your mistakes! Wells definitely took this one, but how the cotton gin sided with slavery doesn't matter. Think of it this way: Stephanie lost because she didn't mention she was a house slave. See it her way! XD Good job Wells! And look forward to seeing me debate Holdsworth lol

  3. This was a really good debate. But Brasof Wells kicked your butt in the rebuttle!! Lol But both of your open arguments were very strong. I loved watching this. (:

  4. This was a fun debate but I dont think I won beacause you just used information you already knew for arguements and I know that if you were really prepaired I would not have had a chance! And I have to thank you for the tips like, not being afriad to be silent! Thank You Brasof!

  5. Even though this was a practice debate, it was probably the best one I've seen yet. Wells & Brasof both have two different knowledges. It seemed as though if one person said something, no matter how much they knew, the other still attacked that. Wells is a very good debater & is very prepared :].

  6. ok first i didnt think wells was gonna win she did a very smart thing using ms. gold idea with the cotton gin....but overall it was a nice debate

  7. Lol I guess Brasof wasn't prepared so I guess Wells had the advantage in the beginning. Overall of the debate it was a good match but Wells won.I'm glad this wasn't a real debate Brasof would have made the for slavery side lose xP.

  8. This was a fun debate to watch. I loved the way Wells just told Brasof off lol. But in the end I think that Wells won. Good job to both debaters.
