The Great Slavery Debate

Should slavery be abolished? Students at Constitution High School debate the advantages and disadvantages of abolishing slavery from an antebellum 19th century perspective. Having students focus on the social, economic, cultural, and to some extent political nature of this debate, helps students understand the context of America's "peculiar institution", roadblocks African Americans needed to overcome in order to abolish slavery, as well as frame the upcoming 10th grade American history course. The purpose of this blog is to create a forum in which students can self-reflect and continue the process of peer-to-peer evaluation as they debate in class.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Eric R. v. Laborah

This was a fantastic debate! The very confident Eric found his match. Laborah has been quietly watching the debates for over two weeks and came out of left field with incredible cross examination. Eric's strength was in his preparation and strong speech but was unable to corner Laborah during cross. When being crossed, Laborah was able to strengthen her arguments. The rebuttals from both of these students were the strongest rebuttals to date. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Congratulations to both speakers.


  1. The reason i thought Eric won alone was because he sited more evidence than Laborah. I feel Laborah had strong ideas, good use of her person, and had good speaker points. I feel that she was a better speaker than Eric because she made eye contact, which made her speech prowerful. Eric read fast, he needed to slow down. Eric's rebuttal was his strongest point, if he gave more eye contact it would have been on point. It would have moved you. Laborah handle herself well when she was asked questions, but when she asked Eric questions she didnt let him finish. If Laborah would have took a different root with attacking the Revolutionary war contention, I think she would have won completely. Her way of attacking that contention was something I haven't seen before and was good, but Eric knew too much about his contention to let Laborah trip him up so her plan didnt work. Eric needs to fix his questions, since they were a paragraph long not a sentence. He needs to get to the point in asking questions like Laborah was. Over all I feel Laborah did just like I think she would have done which was great. Eric I thought he would be a better speaker (make more eye contact) but he wasn't. However Eric won becuase he had a lot of evidence to support everything he said.Great job to both of you!


  2. I think that laborah should have won this debate because her argument was very strong and kept me up. She had a lot of anthusiastic in her debate, it was very alive. Eric did good but he kinda lost me with his second argument. He was well prepared, but at the same time he was kinda lost. His rebuttal was a little stronger than Laborah's. But laborah's opening argument was a little stronger than eric's to me. Also, i think that laborah answered all of her questions very good.

  3. This was an okay debate, i just think that Laborah should have won. Laborah's agruments seemed stronger and more interesting unlike Eric's. Eric's arguments were too long and sort of confusing. The way Laborah handled Eric's questions was what kept my attention the whole time. Eric's rebuttal was strong but Laborah's seemed stronger. She attacked each argument Eric had stated and even boosted her's as she went on and one. This debate was close, but Eric took it at the end. Good Job the two of you!

  4. This debate was where the entertainment began to excite the crowd before the show ends. Boy not only did it excite the crowd but it went into Overtime and that the judges scored it 3-3 and we need that judge to break the tie. Anyway a fantastic and enthusiastic debate between these two brilliant students. At first along with our group I thought Laborah was going to get demolished by Eric. But she didn't because Laborah came up with awesome arguments the same with Eric. Both their Opening speeches were good so its tied 1-1, then both their CX were excellent so now its tied at 2-2, then their rebuttals went into OverTime and still we got a tie at 3-3. So now the judges had to make the call. In the end after the dust has settled Eric came out on top (4-3) with a hard-fought victory. Good job by both speakers showing the students who haven't debated yet to step up and be prepared.

    Signature: Nicholas Mutignani Jr.

  5. this was a hard debate for me. i had really practice and thought i might take this in a unamimous decision but laborah kept pace with me the whole time it was because of my use of evidence that wo the day. i need to work on eye contact and speak slower so that people can understand me better. when i had stated something she came right back. when i made hint to inhuman treatment she came back at me by saying "a mother punishes it's baby" i thought that this was an excellent debate but in the end i was a little dry and laborah was exciting to the crowed not to mention she had better eye contact than me in the end i think that laborah should have taken the win. although i stated evidence she was quick in answering back. all and all she attacked all of my arguments and i did to but she did it in a way that it was better and easier to follow. GOOD JOB LABORAH! you did a great job and deserve an A+.


  6. Wow once I saw who laborah was up against I thought she was going to lose terribly, but I was wrong. Laborah put Eric in a conner at least twice. Eric almost got out of them but in my opinion he didn't. I was a judge and I know that the only reason eric one was by one vote. Laborah you are great debater!!!!!!!!

  7. This debate was very surprising to me. I knew Eric was a good debator but I had know idea how good laborah was. I expected her to try and dominate the conversation but instead she followed all the rules of the debate and had excelent arguments and questions for Eric. Eric of course had the same effect being the great debator that he is. This was a very close decision and i did not envy the judges.
