The Great Slavery Debate

Should slavery be abolished? Students at Constitution High School debate the advantages and disadvantages of abolishing slavery from an antebellum 19th century perspective. Having students focus on the social, economic, cultural, and to some extent political nature of this debate, helps students understand the context of America's "peculiar institution", roadblocks African Americans needed to overcome in order to abolish slavery, as well as frame the upcoming 10th grade American history course. The purpose of this blog is to create a forum in which students can self-reflect and continue the process of peer-to-peer evaluation as they debate in class.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Furber v. David C

Round 3 for Steven. This time he was unable to take the gold, but neither did David. Steven tried to overwhelm his opponent with 4 arguments! He dropped the ball on one of them but convinced 4 judges out of 8 that he was the better debater. David dropped two arguments on steve and delivered a good rebuttal against Steven's christianity argument. An interesting last debate.


  1. WOW GOOOOOO Steven! Me as a judge Steven came even harder debating 3 different times.I believe that he was able to jump right back at David when he asked the MOST CHALLENING question.But this debate ended with a tie each oppent was good debaters was great.

  2. this debate was excellent to be the last debate. It left the judges undecided and came to a very close call so it became a tie...kudos to both speakers.

  3. grea job steve!!steve gave great aruments and he also had alot of enery and dats cool....david was gettin steven with the question he was askin steve...but in the end it wa a tie....but great job debating and steve keep dat energy for the next time you debate and i think you'll do great
