The Great Slavery Debate

Should slavery be abolished? Students at Constitution High School debate the advantages and disadvantages of abolishing slavery from an antebellum 19th century perspective. Having students focus on the social, economic, cultural, and to some extent political nature of this debate, helps students understand the context of America's "peculiar institution", roadblocks African Americans needed to overcome in order to abolish slavery, as well as frame the upcoming 10th grade American history course. The purpose of this blog is to create a forum in which students can self-reflect and continue the process of peer-to-peer evaluation as they debate in class.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Eric R. v. Malika

Mr. Prosser makes his second attempt at a win and does. With such a powerful revolutionary war argument, not many opponents can handle such inconsistencies. Malika did a great job during cross examination when discussing that returning to Africa would not be any better. In the end, eric's economic argument was left untested. Congratulations to both speakers, this was a fun debate.


  1. This debate was amazingly good. I knew that from the start both debaters had it in them. Eric has something in his mind were he believes no matter what he's going to get his point across and I respect that. He did the following by attemping two deliver three speeches in five minutes which ws commendable but he could have shorten his speech. It was to long and it made his audience become uninterested in what he had to say. If you can't deliver three speeches in five minutes and your talking in a fast and flowing pace then you know that your speech is to long and lenghy. I really can't point out what was good and what wasn't because everything he said I found to be true and clear. Malikia on the other hand did a great job with her arguments although i found one to be unclear. I thought her strongest argument was slavery is beneficial. Cross examination was the most exciting part of the whole debate because the debaters were going head to head. It was fun to watch. It was obvisous to see that they had oppisite views of slavery. Erics rebuttal to me was all over the place. Instead of stating his opponents main points he should of just stated his and left it at that. Malkia did a good job restating her main points and backing her self out of the corner when Eric said something during cross examination. Overall, i think Malikia did the best. Good job to both speakers.

  2. i agree with what laurine said that my revolutionary war argument was lenghy and i should have shorten it it was hard to get my point acros because no one could really get what i was saying. i think overall i did good but malika did good in the fact that she tried to pick holes in the revolutionary war argument which she did successfully the thing i think that made malika lose was that she did not make refrence to the economy argument if she had done that she would have one. also she did a great job backing herself out of the corner when i stated evidence about the french not being so bruttal to slaves as england an when i stated about her being a hypocrite because she was a slave owner who let her slaves free. good job Malika i think the best debating was done by you.

    eric rivera
